Seven Spot

Ba Ren Chi topped 6,500 listens on Jamendo recently, which is nice, but much nicer is this new piece I finished. “Seven Spot” is all about sevens, nines, and other assorted (mostly odd) numbers. I was busy with everything, but it was haunting me. Maybe it won’t be waking me up so much in the… Continue reading Seven Spot

How to Translate Anything

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m teaching a new course this semester, with a title I have borrowed (with permission) from Benjamin Paloff at the University of Michigan. “How to Translate Anything” is a course I have been threatening to teach for many years, and I’m finally doing it, beginning on Monday of… Continue reading How to Translate Anything

Those Taciturn Swedes

Prepping for my spring course “How to Translate Anything,” I came across this insight from David Bellos in his Is That a Fish In Your Ear?: Filmmakers dependent on foreign-language markets are well aware of how little spoken language can actually be represented in on-screen writing. Sometimes they choose to limit the volubility of their… Continue reading Those Taciturn Swedes